Who is Otojiro?
You have entered the "保育の父・佐竹音次郎に学ぶ会" ("Hoiku no Chichi Satake Otojiro ni Manabu-Kai/ "Otojiro-Kai" homepage.
"Otojiro-Kai" is a non-profit organization, run by a group of volunteers devoted to study and learn about Satake Otojiro, who was the first man to spread the word "保育(hoiku/child care)" in Japan.
Although his name nor his great achievements have yet to be known widely, this organization hopes to put his name on the map, so more people will recognize him as one of the greatest pioneers in Japanese history, who was the first person to spread the word "保育/child care."
A portrait of Satake Otojiro. This portrait is the one most often used by the "Otojiro-Kai." It is said that this picture was taken when he received a reward from the national government of Japan. He is in full Japanese traditional family crested kimono outfit. There, you see a hanging scroll in the background on the wall of possibly an alcove.
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